Implementing the digital supply chain for logistics operations

How the digital supply chain makes smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 a reality today

Implementing a smart and connected supply chain solution allows you to establish a 360-degree view of your entire manufacturing operation – from the supply of raw materials, through to warehousing, and onwards to the distribution of the finished product. Such end-to-end supply chain intelligence empowers you to anticipate disruptions and make immediate adjustments as conditions change. By moving away from reactive problem-solving your workers are free to concentrate on service delivery and customer-focused outcomes.

But in an increasingly volatile environment, traditional Supply Chain Management (SCM) methods struggle to keep up – especially in a climate of cost-cutting and reduced resources. Manufacturers also need improved asset management solutions to locate parts, reduce losses, prove authenticity and optimize processes.

Improve asset visibility with the digital supply chain

GlobeRanger’s iMotionTM IoT enablement platform can help to improve the visibility of assets throughout the supply chain by managing data from multiple sources, including RFID tags, M2M devices, IoT (Internet of Things) enabled devices, ERP and other enterprise applications. iMotionTM helps optimize processes and eliminate redundant tasks, which significantly reduces lead times and labor costs for inspection, reporting, inventory management and other day-to-day logistics activities.

GlobeRanger offers a suite of Automated Identification Technology (AIT) solutions that manage and connect readers and sensors to enterprise applications, turning raw data into business intelligence automatically without the need for changes to your current SCM system. GlobeRanger’s digital supply chain solutions are capable of providing you with an end-to-end view of both inbound and outbound transactions throughout your supply chain, delivering a multitude of benefits including:

  • Reduced supply chain complexity
  • Improved efficiency
  • Detection of wastage, leading to cost savings
  • Identification and alerting of faults for swift reaction and response Actionable insight into customer behavior and preferences
  • Smarter decision making
  • Event-driven maintenance for better performance and cost efficiencies Improved deployment of employees and other resources
Contact GlobeRanger

GlobeRanger: Your digital evolution partner

Where are the assets that make your organization work? If you don’t know, or you want greater control over them, we’re ready to help!

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