Transform your forklift fleet into smart and efficient IoT devices with GlobeRanger’s Connected Forklift Solution

In an increasingly volatile environment, traditional warehouse management methods struggle to keep up – especially in a climate of cost-cutting and reduced resources.

Manufacturers also need improved asset management solutions to locate parts, reduce losses, prove authenticity of assets and optimize processes.

GlobeRanger’s Connected Forklift Solution can help to improve the visibility of assets throughout your warehouse operations by managing data from multiple sources in near real-time.

Utilizing the very latest RFID and wireless connected technology, the GlobeRanger Connected Forklift Solution automatically records an item’s description, weight, and its location once the item is stored. This data is captured and can be automatically sent to your legacy and backend systems such as ERPs, WMS/WES and others. The data can be shared and is available for easy retrieval on web apps, tablets and handheld devices, allowing operators to quickly and accurately track and locate specific items from anywhere within your warehouse operations.

The GlobeRanger Connected Forklift Solution can easily be adapted to many makes and models of forklift and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). The solution is self-contained in a ruggedized housing and includes GlobeRanger Edge Connect software to enable location tracking and connectivity to back-end and legacy systems. The solution also includes an integrated weigh scale to provide details about an items weight at pick-up and put-away and can notify you of any changes upon that item’s retrieval.

Seamless integration with existing and new technology

Crucially with GlobeRanger solutions, there is no need for any changes to existing supply chain management systems, or back-end infrastructure. The software seamlessly integrates existing and new technologies, preserving past investments while enabling new edge applications.

This level of connectivity has the potential to exploit the Internet of Things (IoT), as more and more devices are connected to the Internet…

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GlobeRanger: Your digital evolution partner

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